Syracuse vs. Rutgers, today at 12:06 PM.
This translates to marching band practice from 7:30 to 9:30 AM, followed by a brief break, then another 5 hours of almost constant drumming. I'll probably be delirious with hunger and exhaustion by the time I'm done (I'll be doing all this on the energy from two Pop-Tarts, two bagels, and a can of Slim-Fast), so don't expect anything huge.
I do have something else planned for next week, but I really should go to sleep now, since practice starts in 6 and a half hours. I'll go into detail another day.
In the meantime, you're free to use this as an open thread, but since most of those have been catastrophic failures, I'm not expecting much.
Posted by CD on October 2, 2004 01:03 AMIn the meantime, you're free to use this as an open thread, but since most of those have been catastrophic failures, I'm not expecting much.
I know from your Oct 3 post you understand the concept of 'self-fulfilling prophecy' .. so why set the open thread up for failure?
Posted by: Katherine at October 4, 2004 08:09 PM