November 03, 2004

This Is...Odd

Ace links to this editorial from Slate. I started reading it, and I noticed that a few parts sounded rather familiar. For example:

What Kerry lacked was simplicity. Bush had one message; Kerry had dozens. Bush had one issue; Kerry had scores. Bush ended his sentences when you expected him to say more; Kerry went on and on, adding one prepositional phrase after another, until nobody could remember what he was talking about.

I thought I was having deja vu or something, but then I realized that my political science professor said this almost word for word in this morning's lecture. Except he claimed it was his theory as to why Bush won. Right down to the "simplicity" thing.

So, basically, he either stole his theory from William Saletan, or he is William Saletan.

Any ideas as to how I can use this?

Posted by CD on November 3, 2004 09:01 PM
Category: College
Semi-Intelligent Comments

There's always blackmail - How's your grade?!!!!!

Posted by: Stephen Macklin at November 3, 2004 10:52 PM

Heh. Saletan's theory is recycled, too. Everyone agreed that Bush carried a message of simplicity with him way back when he was running for governor of TX.

Maybe this gives you a free pass to blatantly plagarize your next paper (although I won't officially endorse this action ;-) ).

Posted by: Alex D. at November 6, 2004 04:39 AM
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