March 13, 2006

24 Blogging

Spoilers, so go to the extended entry...

Tony is not dead. He can't be freakin' dead. They didn't give him a silent clock like they did for Edgar, so he has to be alive, right?



Also, if the terrorists assassinate President Nutless Douchebag Logan, I will do some sort of happy dance.

Posted by CD on March 13, 2006 11:07 PM | TrackBack
Category: 24
Semi-Intelligent Comments

His clock, alas, has run down.
His ticker tocked
Robocop took him in Dead.

But don't worry, when Chloe kills all of the terrorists herself, you will feel much beter about it.


Posted by: tommy at March 14, 2006 12:33 PM

Heck of a season, huh? The way they're whacking people left & right (well, more so than usual & main characters) makes me wonder if this will be the last season. I sure hope that's not the case.

Posted by: Crispy23 at March 18, 2006 07:43 AM
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