February 05, 2007

AAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAAGGGGBBBBLBLBLBL *sniffle* *cough* *wheeze* *cough*

You know, being sick is a lot better when it's extremely cold, dry, and windy outside, and you spend most of your day at a desk right next to a heater that's continuously blowing even more dry air directly into your face, but if you close it, the temperature in the room drops by about 20 degrees. Especially when you also have asthma!

Wait, did I say "a lot better?" I meant "much, much, much worse."

Fuck germs. And also fuck the retarded new laws that make pseudoephedrine really hard to get. Making my nasal congestion more irritating and trying to pass off this phenylephrine bullshit as a legitimate substitute isn't stopping meth production, you fucking dumbshits. Get back to fighting terrorism and let me have some Dayquil and/or Sudafed that actually works.


Posted by CD on February 5, 2007 10:37 PM | TrackBack
Category: General Stupidity
Semi-Intelligent Comments

Oh my God, I laughed myself into tears and a coughing fit reading your post. I could not have expressed these thoughts any better. Whoever came up with the dumb idea that meth production was going to decrease by removing a product that is effective to millions of us who have to sneeze and snot our way through life so that a few boozos can't go into a drug store and buy the stuff are delusional. These meth producers have no problem obtaining pseodoephedrine what so ever, I thinks it's a plot by Proctor and Gamble to sell more Puffs..plain and simple!

Posted by: Peg at February 9, 2007 12:53 PM
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