September 20, 2008

Hooray for Fitness II

Since I still don't have a whole lot to write about, here's a quick reminder...

My weight in May of 2007: 235 pounds
My current weight: 178 pounds

This also means that I've lost about 10 pounds since returning from New York in August. I can hardly believe it, but the bathroom scale doesn't lie (assuming it's calibrated properly).

On a related note, I find that the more I exercise, the more energy I have. I've actually been having a little trouble maintaining a sleep schedule lately because it seems like I never get tired anymore (this explains why there has been absolutely no consistency in the time of day that I post/comment).

In the past, I was sometimes exhausted after being awake for over 12 hours, even if I had barely moved that day. Now, I can be up for 16+ hours, at least one of which normally consists of nonstop speed walking, and I barely even feel like sitting down.

It's strange how that works.

In other news, the Penguins begin their year of domination tonight with what will undoubtedly be a horribly lopsided victory over Steve Stamkos and the Tampa Bay Lightning. It's only an exhibition game, but it's something. A positive sign: Miroslav Satan has already scored 3 or 4 goals in team scrimmages playing on Crosby's right wing.

Marian Who-ssa?

Okay, so it would've been a horribly lopsided victory if Sergei Gonchar hadn't left the game. The Pens' power play is basically nonexistent without him.

A glimpse of the future, courtesy of NHL Breakaway 99:


Posted by CD on September 20, 2008 05:19 PM | TrackBack
Semi-Intelligent Comments

It figures that a player named Satan would be on the right wing...

Posted by: Larry at September 20, 2008 05:37 PM

CD, you seem to be harboring some deep-seated animosity toward that team that wears the red shirts. Whatever could they have done to you to make you this bitter? You should get some help. Or go back to just hatin' Philly, like Pittsburgers are s'posed to.

Larry, this is all you need to know about hockey:

Sarah Palin likes it, therefore it must be bad.


...In other news, it's very easy to misspell her last name to "Plain". Glad I caught that.

Posted by: The Mulatto Maker at September 22, 2008 04:03 PM

Did I mention that the goalie being victimized in that picture is Chris Osgood?

Posted by: CD at September 22, 2008 04:45 PM

No, but I didn't think it was Tim Cheveldae...

Posted by: The Mulatto Maker at September 22, 2008 04:59 PM

Larry, this is all you need to know about hockey:

Sarah Palin likes it, therefore it must be bad.

Hockey is racist. It consists of a bunch of white guys chasing around a black thing and trying to put it in a net (read: prison).

NHL = Negro Hating League.

Dont even get me started on Sarah Palin. What kind of heartless woman runs for vice president insttad of staying home and taking care of her famliy like she's supposed to do?

Posted by: Larry at September 22, 2008 05:36 PM

You forgot about the part where the white guys smack the black thing with big wooden sticks.

Posted by: The Mulatto Maker at September 22, 2008 07:34 PM
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