Does anyone else find it really creepy that liberals have basically abandoned their previous attempts at giving a positive spin to their belief that they know what's best, and we should all just shut up, bend over, and take it? I mean, it's refreshing that they're finally being honest, but the fact that they can even get away with it in the United States of America...something just isn't right about it.
I don't think I have to go into a lot of detail here, aside from mentioning that the repeated characterization of the Tea Party movement as "selfish" (and racist, but that's applied to any conservative movement) is what's really setting me off. I've seen the TP philosophy summed up by its opponents as "fuck you, got mine." Apparently, "fuck you, got yours" is more desirable. Why is it that wanting to keep what you've earned is bad, but wanting to take away what other people have earned and give it to people who haven't earned it is noble?
Something tells me that in a true liberal utopia, the tax rate would be 100%, and everyone's earnings would be distributed as the morally superior philosopher kings in D.C. saw fit. Of course, there would be a little extra for certain people so they could go see a movie once a month or something...assuming it's been approved beforehand. After all, it's important to give the benighted segment of the populace the necessary bread and circuses, but we wouldn't want their impressionable minds to be influenced by the wrong messages.
I'll touch on this in more detail if I ever get around to writing that essay I mentioned a few days ago, but I'm not sure when that'll happen.
On a related note, I always promise myself that I'm going to start responding to comments more and then forget about it, but rest assured that I read each and every one that isn't spam, so feel free to share whatever thoughts you may have on whatever I happen to be wasting my time writing about.
I've kind of hinted at this before, but if nobody was reading SIT, I wouldn't keep coming back. Once I've actually earned some free time by making some damn money, I'll try to be more attentive to the blog.
So yeah.
Posted by CD on June 4, 2010 02:14 AM | TrackBackCD, I'm not supposed to tell you this, but me and tommy are on a special mission from the Obamastration to use up as much of your spare time as possible. We're assigned to prevent you from realizing your destiny as Spokesman for the Free World, so we've been tasked to keep coming back to SIT, thereby keeping you occupied. Kind of a "redistribution of time" sort of thing.
So, um...
Swiss Cake Rolls. And Go Hawks, or something.
Posted by: The Mulatto Maker at June 4, 2010 06:32 PM