June 21, 2010


You know, I find it kind of funny that Obama and his supporters are still trying to pin The One's utter failure to do anything on his predecessor.

Listen, you arrogant retard, you promised Hope and Change™ repeatedly and claimed you would deliver us from "eight years of failed policies" or whatever bullshit you were spewing, so you don't get to blame Bush for your fuckups. I mean, even if we accept for the sake of argument that the country is in worse shape now than before January of 2009 solely because of the previous administration, that doesn't let you off the fucking hook.

Think about it. If your campaign platform is basically "I will fix all the problems the last guy caused while healing both the planet and your wounded souls," then people expect you to actually, you know, fix shit. Don't write checks your incompetent ass can't fucking cash.

So, all our problems are Bush's fault? Fine. That still means that you're not doing the job you promised to do. Everything you supposedly "inherited" was going to go away because of your unprecedented awesomeness, right?

However, your situation is much more serious, because I'm pretty sure that Bush, even at his worst, was a much better president than you ever have been or will be. In addition, Bush actually knew something about economics, foreign policy, and a little thing called governing, which you've never had to do because you've spent your entire life surrounded by people who have told you and everyone else how great you are without ever asking for evidence.

This actually brings me to another thing that's been bugging me lately. Certain people, faced with Obama's embarrassing actions in the wake of the oil leak, etc., have proven in their search for an explanation that they still accept the fantasy version of him as reality.

"He's clearly brilliant, so why is he taking so long to make a decision? He's clearly a great leader, so why won't he lead? He clearly cares about the American people, so why does he seem so detached?"

Here's an idea, you magnificent dumbshits: Obama isn't brilliant, he isn't a great leader, and he doesn't care about anyone who can't refill his narcissistic supply. If it looks like a duck, walks like a duck, and quacks like a duck, and you ponder the mystery of why it isn't acting all graceful like the other swans, you may not be as smart or perceptive as you believe.

In conclusion, fuck Obama.

Posted by CD on June 21, 2010 06:33 PM | TrackBack
Category: Liberal Stupidity
Semi-Intelligent Comments

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