June 23, 2010

Know Your Enemy

So, I've mentioned before that my apartment has a bit of a centipede problem. I decided to take the fight to them this year and put sticky traps in the areas of my room that they frequent, and until today, I had only managed to catch two this way (as well as some ants, silverfish, and woodlice). Number three happened a little while ago, and I decided to document the event (click for larger, if you really want that):

Now, upon examining this picture, I noticed that this particular 'pede looked different from the ones I've caught before. The ones that give me the most trouble are the Lovecraftian abominations known as house centipedes, and even though I've seen quite a few like this one, I figured they were some variation of the aforementioned species. However, I decided to do a little research, and I discovered that my immobilized little buddy up there is actually a stone centipede.

I didn't even realize there were multiple kinds in this area. Like I said, I've seen plenty that looked like this, but it never occurred to me that they were a separate species. Frankly, I prefer these ones. They're smaller and slower than house centipedes, and they don't make as much of a mess when they die.

Incidentally, this brings the total kill count so far to 30. And that's only the adults (I've gotten 4 or 5 pedelings in the last 24 hours alone).

Also, I was reminded when getting that picture onto my computer that I had some other pics still on the camera, so I've decided to make a separate post for them. You probably know that already if you're reading this.


Posted by CD on June 23, 2010 05:00 AM | TrackBack
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