July 21, 2010


Here's a bizarre occurrence that makes me ponder the nature of existence...

I was doing my normal grocery shopping at Pathmark yesterday when I happened to come across a shelf of Small Steps napkins. My internal monologue immediately drifted into something like "is there another brand called Giant Leaps somewhere in the store?"

Fast forward to today. I was doing my normal aimless dicking around on the Internet instead of working, and I somehow stumbled on the fact that yesterday was the 41st anniversary of the Apollo 11 Moon landing. Furthermore, according to that article, Neil Armstrong set foot on the Moon at 10:56 PM EDT, which is only about an hour and a half later than the time I had the aforementioned thought.

What are the odds of that?

(Side note/question: Am I correct in thinking that my concept of an internal monologue is pretty standard? I mean, I actually have conversations with myself in my head, many of which (like the roommate post from a couple days ago) eventually end up on SIT in some form. That's normal and not just the product of being a lifelong loner, right?)

Posted by CD on July 21, 2010 08:31 PM | TrackBack
Category: Random Thoughts
Semi-Intelligent Comments

Usually I don't even bother keeping my monologue internal.

Posted by: The Mulatto Maker at July 21, 2010 09:40 PM

Not so unique, in fact, very normal to me........

The other day, guy asked me who the picture
was on a net site he was looking at. I replied,
that's Jim Thorpe, well known athlete from the
I turn on the tv some minutes later, and the
film on is....get this.... Jim Thorpe, All

Converted to numbers, numerology, Jim Thorpe
comes out 631...

That night in the pick3 lottery game, it was

Ah, the wonder of it all, lol....

enjoy your synchronicities, said Jung, it's
the real reality behind our illusions....

"the mind plays with the objects it loves." Jung.

Posted by: BM Second at July 22, 2010 12:18 PM

Double synchronicity score! Yesterday, I was on BugGuide trying to identify a weird thing I saw on the sidewalk while I was exercising (it was apparently another stone centipede), and one of the pictures I used for reference was taken by someone from Jim Thorpe, Pennsylvania.

This is kind of fun.

Posted by: CD at July 22, 2010 08:46 PM
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