August 10, 2010

Still Not Dead

Just thought I should mention that I'm not retiring again. However, my laptop is basically dead, and my iMac is in Manhattan getting a new hard drive installed, so I'm back to using my phone to connect to the Internet. I'll share all the details when I have a computer. In other news, I've now killed 105 centipedes. Five of those were in the past 24 hours. Wooooo.

Posted by CD on August 10, 2010 10:48 AM | TrackBack
Semi-Intelligent Comments

Now I don't feel so 'tarded leaving comments from a daggone Palm Pixi.

Posted by: The Mulatto Maker at August 10, 2010 04:28 PM

The comment by "yanhan22" is going to mysteriously disappear when I have access to MT Blacklist.

Posted by: CD at August 10, 2010 10:33 PM

What comment? What are you talking about?

Posted by: The Mulatto Maker at August 18, 2010 12:32 PM
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