May 20, 2004

Cause and Effect

Here's something I've been thinking about for a long time. I actually mentioned it back in January, but didn't get any response, so here it is again:

A lot of people, particularly on the left, refuse to accept that people are responsible for their actions. For example:

-Fast food is responsible for obesity, not people who eat fast food every single day.

-The U.S. is responsible for terrorism, not the terrorists themselves, since we refuse to investigate "root causes."

-Israel is responsible for Palestinian terrorism, since they refuse to leave.

-Gun manufacturers are responsible for murder, not the people who commit murder using guns.

-Tobacco companies are responsible for lung cancer, not people who smoke 3 packs of cigarettes a day.

...And so on. However, based on the logic that nobody is responsible for their actions, why do we blame these groups?

After all, who are we to say that gun manufacturers are responsible for gun deaths? Someone else obviously forced them to make those guns! Let's find them first! What about fast food? Who caused McDonald's and Burger King to force those horrible, greasy foods on an unsuspecting populace? It certainly couldn't have been their fault!

And furthermore, how can you blame the United States for terrorism? Someone else must have forced us to intimidate terrorists and hurt their feeeeeelings! Let's get to the root causes of our terrorism incitement, rather than blaming ourselves!

See where this leads? If you use the logic that someone else is to blame for all the world's problems, you can logically continue blaming other groups until you're out of scapegoats. Why do we always stop with one? Let's keep investigating!

When people don't take responsibility for their own actions, this is what happens.

Posted by CD on May 20, 2004 12:00 AM
Semi-Intelligent Comments

I have a splinter in my hand. I'm going to sue the lumber company because they should have removed all splinters. Then, I'm going to sue the trees because it's somehow all a conspiracy.

Not really, but that's the attitude of a majority of people. They'll claim the good and blame the bad.

Posted by: The Sicilian at May 20, 2004 02:36 AM

Oh, yeah. Frivilous lawsuits have got to go. I got in a conversation yesterday about that lady that burned herself with McDonald's coffee- and WON- let me pause there for a second. First of all, that judge should have been immediately disbarred. The proper response there was...

"You burned your legs...? With coffee...? Hmm. Here's some gauze. Get out of my courtroom and stop wasting my time."

Anyway this kind of nonsense is a microcosm (useless big word of the day) of what is going on in America. "Nobody's responsible for anything! Especially not ME! Why, last night I got eyestrain from reading SIT! I'm gonna sue CD, it must be his fault!!!"

We need a law that requires people to man up to what they do. It'll never happen, of course, but I can dream. Say, for instance, some idiot who doesn't know a lot about electricity decides to poke around in a wall socket to find out what's wrong. ZAP- 110 volts to your hand, owwie. He sues the guy that built his house for not putting little yellow "danger- voltage" signs above every socket. Now, were this to actually happen, he might actually win. Especially if he lives out in the 9th Socialist Republic- er, District Court. But this is what SHOULD happen:

Stupid Idiot: Judge, I hurt myself. His fault. Owwie. I want 10 million dollars.

House-Builder Guy: Your Honor, I figured he would know what an electrical outlet was.

Stupid Idiot: But JUUUUDGE... it wasn't my FAAUULL-

Judge: Shut up, stupid idiot. Here's the deal. You- pay the guy that built your house the price of the socket you jacked up. Pay me for wasting my time. And here's your sentence: [Soup Nazi-ish] No electricity for you for two weeks!

See, if the judge had told that silly old lady that her punishment for being so dumb was 1) you never get to drink coffee again, because you obviously don't know how, 2) No fast food for you, ever, and 3) Your license is suspended for a month. Since you spilled the coffee while you were driving, you apparently can't drive, either.


Kay there I go being all long-winded (long-typed? long-written?) again. Not wanting to take responsibility for my inability to say things in a concise fashion, I blame CD for giving me so much fun stuff to write about. Furthermore, I blame Dell for making this computer and sending it to me, and Noah Webster for all these words, without which this comment would've been much shorter.

Posted by: Army NCO Guy at May 20, 2004 08:37 AM

Nothing "semi" about that post. As a political movement this is exactly what we need to be focusing on. Responsibility is everything. Another cause and effect would be our responsibilities as citizens, parents, or even just as humans is the cause, our rights and freedoms are the effect. A lot of people, and you know who I'm referring to, need to get it through their thick skulls that when responsibility is taken away, the resulting rights and freedoms go with it.

Posted by: Nick at May 20, 2004 10:46 AM

Have you ever considered starting a blog, NCO Guy? You seem to have a lot of interesting stuff to say.

Just asking.

Posted by: CD at May 20, 2004 03:47 PM

Arnold of California is threatening to slap a 75% tax on punitive damage awards. If only he would, and make that tax apply before legal fees.

Posted by: Miguel at May 20, 2004 04:24 PM

I've often wondered the same thing. I gave up on finding any ::cough:: logic in the reasoning quite a while ago, though tracing potential 'blame trees' was a good form of entertainment and conversation for a while.

(And I agree with CD.. NCO guy - you really do have quite a bit to say, and you say it well. I would think a blog might be right up your alley. :) )

Posted by: Katherine at May 20, 2004 07:50 PM

A lot of intelligent, well-spoken humans come here. That puts a smile on my face to know there are rational humans in the world.
NCO guy, you have a great way with words. If you don't start a blog. you should run for office! You'd have my vote!

Posted by: The Sicilian at May 20, 2004 09:32 PM

Let me see ... who gets the blame? Seems the answer is so very very simple ... The Devil made me do it!

Posted by: Tiger at May 20, 2004 09:37 PM

Aw, shucks, y'all...

Actually, I did think about it for a hot second a couple days ago. But I'd never have time. The last two weeks I've been on a kind of working vacation, hence the bajillion comments. But now I'm back at the house with the wife and rugrats, which is great, but not much time for computer stuff.

But anyway, thanks. You guys made my day.

Posted by: Army NCO Guy at May 20, 2004 10:15 PM

Tiger, in the case of a lot of liberals, that's actually true. But telling them that might somehow trample thir religious freedoms.

Posted by: Army NCO Guy at May 21, 2004 08:50 AM

You forgot that students who score low on tests aren't responsible - it's the fault of the "biased" test developers. And yes, parents do sue to get testing requirements waived for their kids on the basis of the "bias" in the tests.

Posted by: Kimberly at May 25, 2004 04:50 PM

OK, I'm about to get myself caught in a pickle here, but do you think this has something to do with the psychologization of society. The mental health fields major on finding the root causes of behavior. Trouble is, the root cause is never the choices of the individual. It's always mom and dad's fault, or hubby's fault, or witchie-poo's fault, etc, etc.
I said I am getting into a pickle because here I am blaming psychologists for these problems, which sounds like I am passing the responsibility buck. I guess they should come back at me and say "its not our fault that people listen to us and take us so seriously."

Posted by: David at May 26, 2004 05:47 PM


"Freud lied! Responsibility died!"

Posted by: CD at May 26, 2004 05:55 PM

You all have a really good point and it's made me think. I agree with judges dismissing cases of people who are blaming fast food on making them fat. Maybe the fast food industry should just put warnings on the bags like tabacco companies do so no stupid people can say they didn't know fast food was damaging to their health. People can't sue tobacco companies because they have warnings that smoking may cause health problems. So if there are labels on the products of fast food saying may cause health problems, then stupid people won't say they weren't warned. That's just my thought, I'm doing a college report on the effects of fast food. Thanks for taking the time to read this.

Posted by: Sarah at June 30, 2004 01:45 PM
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