Ah, the month of May. When college ends for the summer, the weather gets warmer, and DOZENS OF EVIL FUCKING SPIDERS INVADE MY FUCKING HOUSE.
Yep. The sac spiders have returned.
Today's fun/unnerving story: I was getting ready to eat dinner, and after washing my hands, I went to grab a paper towel. As I spun the roll (I'm very impatient), I watched a small, dark shape quickly move in about the same direction and land on the wall directly behind my right hand. It happened so fast that I barely noticed, but then I took a closer look, and...
Oh, good. A sac spider on the wall. The little bastard came within inches of my friggin' hand. I'm lucky it didn't bite me (they're moderately poisonous and will defend themselves aggressively, from what I've read). This isn't the first time I've encountered one on or near the paper towels in the kitchen, either.
Unfortunately for the spider, after I finished drying my hands, I just used the same paper towel to kill it. The moron decided to stick around for a few seconds instead of running for its miserable life, and its broken body now resides in the trash can.
I freakin' swear these things are out to get me. I dislike spiders in general, but sac spiders are the only species that seems to know exactly when to appear in order to cause maximum arachnophobic panic. And that's just the adults. I still have "fond" memories of walking into the bathroom four years ago and finding literally a dozen baby sac spiders on the ceiling, and having my room invaded by half a dozen of the same three years ago. They've been pulling this crap for almost as long as I can remember.
But I won this round...although I'll be drying my hands on my shirt for the next few days.
Posted by CD on May 21, 2006 08:40 PM | TrackBack